உள்ளடக்கத்துக்குச் செல்

வார்ப்புரு:Cite magazine/doc

கட்டற்ற கலைக்களஞ்சியமான விக்கிப்பீடியாவில் இருந்து.
Citation Style 1 templates
{{Cite arXiv}}arXiv preprints
{{Cite AV media}}audio and visual
{{Cite AV media notes}}audio and visual liner notes
{{Cite bioRxiv}}bioRxiv preprints
{{Cite book}}books
{{Cite conference}}conference papers
{{Cite encyclopedia}}edited collections
{{Cite episode}}radio or television episodes
{{Cite interview}}interviews
{{Cite journal}}academic journals and papers
{{Cite magazine}}magazines, periodicals
{{Cite mailing list}}public mailing lists
{{Cite map}}maps
{{Cite news}}news articles
{{Cite newsgroup}}online newsgroups
{{Cite podcast}}podcasts
{{Cite press release}}press releases
{{Cite report}}reports
{{Cite serial}}audio or video serials
{{Cite sign}}signs, plaques
{{Cite speech}}speeches
{{Cite techreport}}technical reports
{{Cite thesis}}theses
{{Cite web}}web sources not covered by the above
See also:

This Citation Style 1 template is used to create citations for articles in magazines and newsletters. For articles in academic journals, use {{cite journal}}.



Copy a blank version to use. All parameter names must be in lowercase. Use the "|" (pipe) character between each parameter. Delete unused parameters to avoid clutter in the edit window. Some samples may include the current date. If the date is not current, then purge the page.

Most commonly used parameters in horizontal format
To cite a magazine article with a credited author

{{cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |access-date=}}

To cite a magazine article with no credited author

{{cite magazine |author=<!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> |title= |url= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |date= |access-date=}}

To cite an online magazine article that has been archived

{{cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |url= |url-status= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date=}}

To cite a magazine article written in a foreign language

{{cite magazine |last= |first= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |language= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |access-date=}}

To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language magazine article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription

{{cite magazine |last1= |first1= |last2= |first2= |date= |title= |trans-title= |url= |url-status= |format= |language= |magazine= |location= |publisher= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |quote=}}

Full parameter set in horizontal format
{{cite magazine |last1= |first1= |author-link1= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |last3= |first3= |author-link3= |last4= |first4= |author-link4= |last5= |first5= |author-link5= |display-authors= |author-mask= |name-list-style= |date= |year= |orig-date= |editor1-last= |editor1-first= |editor1-link= |editor2-last= |editor2-first= |editor2-link= |editor3-last= |editor3-first= |editor3-link= |editor4-last= |editor4-first= |editor4-link= |editor5-last= |editor5-first= |editor5-link= |display-editors= |others= |title= |script-title= |trans-title= |url= |url-access= |url-status= |format= |department= |magazine= |type= |series= |language= |edition= |location= |publisher= |publication-date= |volume= |issue= |page= |pages= |at= |no-pp= |arxiv= |asin= |bibcode= |doi= |doi-broken-date= |isbn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |lccn= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |osti= |pmc= |pmid= |rfc= |ssrn= |zbl= |id= |archive-url= |archive-date= |access-date= |via= |registration= |quote= |postscript= |ref=}}
Most commonly used parameters in vertical format
To cite a magazine article with a credited author
{{cite magazine
| last        = 
| first       = 
| date        = 
| title       = 
| url         = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| access-date =
To cite a magazine article with no credited author
{{cite magazine
| author      = <!--Staff writer(s); no by-line.--> 
| title       = 
| url         = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| date        = 
| access-date = 
To cite an online magazine article that has been archived
{{cite magazine
| last         = 
| first        = 
| date         = 
| title        = 
| url          = 
| url-status   = 
| magazine     = 
| location     = 
| publisher    = 
| archive-url  = 
| archive-date = 
| access-date  = 
To cite a magazine article written in a foreign language
{{cite magazine
| last        = 
| first       = 
| date        = 
| title       = 
| trans-title = 
| url         = 
| language    = 
| magazine    = 
| location    = 
| publisher   = 
| access-date = 
To cite and quote an archived, two-author, foreign language magazine article re-published as a PDF on an information aggregation service requiring a subscription
{{cite magazine
| last1        = 
| first1       = 
| last2        = 
| first2       = 
| date         = 
| title        = 
| trans-title  = 
| url          = 
| url-status   = 
| format       = 
| language     = 
| magazine     = 
| location     = 
| publisher    = 
| archive-url  = 
| archive-date = 
| access-date  = 
| via          = 
| quote        = 
Full parameter set in vertical format
Vertical list Prerequisites Brief instructions / notes
{{cite magazine
| last1                 = 
| first1                = 
| author-link1          = 
| last2                 = 
| first2                = 
| author-link2          = 
| last3                 = 
| first3                = 
| author-link3          = 
| last4                 = 
| first4                = 
| author-link4          = 
| last5                 = 
| first5                = 
| author-link5          = 
| display-authors       = 
| author-mask           = 
| name-list-style       =
| date                  = 
| year                  = 
| orig-date             = 
| editor1-last          = 
| editor1-first         = 
| editor1-link          = 
| editor2-last          = 
| editor2-first         = 
| editor2-link          = 
| editor3-last          = 
| editor3-first         = 
| editor3-link          = 
| editor4-last          = 
| editor4-first         = 
| editor4-link          = 
| editor5-last          = 
| editor5-first         = 
| editor5-link          = 
| display-editors       = 
| others                = 
| title                 = 
| script-title          = 
| trans-title           = 
| url                   = 
| url-access            = 
| url-status            = 
| format                = 
| department            = 
| magazine              = 
| type                  = 
| series                = 
| language              = 
| edition               = 
| location              = 
| publisher             = 
| publication-date      = 
| volume                = 
| issue                 = 
| page                  = 
| pages                 = 
| at                    = 
| no-pp                 = 
| arxiv                 = 
| asin                  = 
| bibcode               = 
| doi                   = 
| doi-broken-date       = 
| isbn                  = 
| issn                  = 
| jfm                   = 
| jstor                 = 
| lccn                  = 
| mr                    = 
| oclc                  = 
| ol                    = 
| osti                  = 
| pmc                   = 
| pmid                  = 
| rfc                   = 
| ssrn                  = 
| zbl                   = 
| id                    = 
| archive-url           = 
| archive-date          = 
| access-date           = 
| via                   = 
| registration          = 
| quote                 = 
| postscript            = 
| ref                   =
 title or script-title
 title or script-title
  • If a field name is listed in the Prerequisites column, it is a prerequisite for the field to the left.





Nested parameters rely on their parent parameters:

  • parent
  • OR: parent2—may be used instead of parent
    • child—may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)
    • OR: child2—may be used instead of child (and is ignored if parent2 is not used)
Where aliases are listed, only one of the parameters may be defined; if multiple aliased parameters are defined, then only one will show.

By default, sets of fields are terminated with a period (.).

This template embeds COinS metadata in the HTML output, allowing reference management software to retrieve bibliographic metadata.

"https://ta.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=வார்ப்புரு:Cite_magazine/doc&oldid=3653573" இலிருந்து மீள்விக்கப்பட்டது